Okanogan County Profiles & Rankings

Tools from partners across the region and the country are available to help us better understand Okanogan County health and health disparities. Below are links to a few of the health data sites frequently used by our Coalition network.


County Health Rankings: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps tell how healthy Okanogan County is compared to counties across the state and explores factors that drive our community’s health.


Displacement Risk Map

Washington’s Displacement Map identifies areas that may be at higher risk of displacement because of the conditions beyond their control: physical displacement (eviction, natural disaster, foreclosure), economic displacement (rising rents, homeownership costs), cultural displacement (cultural community diminishes)


Okanogan County Profile: Employment Security Department (ESD)

ESD’s profile of Okanogan County describes the region and provides up-to-date data on county employment, industry, population and wages.


Washington Environmental Health Disparities Map

Washington’s Disparities Map shines a light on communities shouldering substantial environmental health burdens through data that compares environmental threats and vulnerabilities across regions.


Social Vulnerability Index

The Social Vulnerability Index explores a number of factors that may affect a community’s ability to prevent suffering and financial loss in a disaster, including poverty, lack of access to transportation, and crowded housing.